
frequently asked questions

How much does shipping cost?

Shipping depends on the size of the artwork purchased and how far away we’re sending it. Shipping costs are listed below, and are NOT included in the price of the product, but will be added in checkout.

12”x12” : $30
24”x24”: $50
24”x48”: $100
48”x48”: $200

Can I commission a painting?

Yes, please email sevymarieart@gmail.com for commission inquiries.

How long will it take to ship my piece?

Ships within a week of purchase. You will receive confirmation and tracking once shipped.

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we have shipped all over the world!

What are the payment methods available?

You can pay with a credit card or through PayPal. Credit cards accepted are: Visa, Mastercard, American, ExpressDiscover, JCB, Diners Club, China UnionPay credit and debit cards.

How often do you release new pieces?

New pieces will be released once a month. You can keep up to date with release announcements by following @sevymarieart on Instagram or by signing up for our email newsletter below.

Does the artwork come ready to hang?

Any piece 24” x 48” or larger will come ready to hang. Smaller pieces come as is and can be framed as you please.